specially for you
hari yang ceria !!
ngee bunge bunge
tumbuh kt jiwe aku td.suke plus excited gile.die tego aku babe !! arghh.
dup dap dup dap jantong aku td wktu otw nk g kelas.heeeeeeeeeeee
die arghhhhh.tk thu nk cakap mcm mne.dh lme aku tk rse mcm ni wok. eeee. sukenyeee aku . today DOUBLE happy kod.arghhhhhhh
tgk ! aku dah gne haler da. he texting me . waw . ni boy laen tau. auw auw. haha.cite laen pulak. td adek aku tag pic kt aku.act,aku bru je knl die.tk smpai pn sebulan.then he put me on his TOP 5 . auw ! terharunye saye
again and again and again and again akk nk cakap
terharu tak dek ? btw, da~~~
hey BITCH! stay away from him.don't you ever ever get close with him. he's mine and will be mine FOREVER.tkpayah la nk menggedik gedik dekat die ye.aku geli la tgk muke korang dok mengoment die tu.ade die reply ke?tak kan? die rply aku pnye je.so! get lost la.tak malu ke tayang muke yg lawa gile tu kat org pnye profile? whud? kau nk kate aku perasantan?wth bitch~ juz remind you that he's mine and will be mine forever.fullstop.thengsy :)
dear you,
omg.i was admiring you.exactly. aku nk sgt chat dengan kau.and that's why,bile kau chat dengan aku,i'll sve the chatbox.kenangan la kononnye.i be verythe huh.i can't say that word.i become like this
when i see you. siriusly.gile kan?act,i've made something for you.but,i never expect yg you will do that.ouhhhh. i fall in love meyh
huh.if i could get you,i'll try to loving you more than ever la.waahhh.jiwang gile aku ni.aku tk tau la knape jadik mcm ni.haish. wondering ni.
i don't know your motif.why you have to enter my life?iwanna be your
can i? can can lah!! hahah.btw, i'll find the clue how to get in to your heart
today, u start texting me with word syg.arghh.dh lme tak dgr word tu.how bad i miss that word.then,u said that i'm yours.wow.my hearts become this
this day for me.you cheer me up
. bile you nk texting me back?i'm waiting you.how's your life?i was thinking.who am i in your life
can you answer me?
bagus bagus
td aku ade lah bce something yg bgs kat paper.lebih kurang mcm ni 'orang yang berpeha besar, adalah sihat dan berkurangan untuk mendapat kanser'. so,sesiape yang berpeha besar,jgn lah risau.risau sikit je.tapi bergembirelah kite sebab kita sihat.kan kan kan. tak payah la kite pakai bengkung utk mengecikan peha kita yg besar ni.haha. kenape saye support pernyataan itu?sebab saye adalah spesis itu jugak.one more,if korang gune lappy.better jangan letak atas peha. nnti korang senang kene kanser.sirius.saye tidak tipu.saye bce paper.well.saye ni kan bnyk membace.bagus kan dapat kawan macam saye ni! tak payah la nak berbangge sangat dapat kawan mcm saye ni.nanti ade orang jelez.die gune gunekan kite mcm mane?saye tak nak.bahaye tauk.
*ayuhh tuka topik
Smiley Face
ayah!ana demam lah.ana kne gastrik balek.ana rase macam malas je nk pergi skolah esok.ana nak mc.tp ibu tknk bawak g klinik lah.tp,skrg ni,dh okey sikit.ana bace buku sejarah.tapi tak boleyh masok otak.ana suroh membe ana tolong ana buad jahat jap esok.ana pakse die dtg skolah bawak note sej.so,i can copy it then write in my essay.haha. bagus tak ana,ayah? hahah.ana rase mcm nk email je 'karangan' ni kat ayah. tapi takpe lh. (act,tk thu mcm mne nk email) amer,siyes! aku tak nanges lah.aku tough dh.betol.aku tak nanges.nnti aku bg salinan rakaman cctv waktu aku post entry ni ..tadi kan,aku maen tanah liat dengan ibu aku.mule mule tu,ibu aku aja adek aku mcm mne nk buat PS die.tp lme lme tu juz maen je lah.ini lah hasilnye
p/s:aen!kau nk aku jadik kejam tak? aku rase kan.aku mcm nk buad header elmo lah..hahah.
something wrong somewhere
perlu ke aku mencanang satu dunie yg ayah aku USTAZ,huh?perlu eyh.wajeb kasik tau eyh.suke hati aku lah nk bg tau ke tak.ade pekdah ke kalau aku bg tau.ade baek dan buruknye kalau aku tak bg tau.and the reasons is,just me know that.i know the exactly answer because it was myself.please don't interupt me with something that you never know about me.yes.i am freakin girl sometime. but i like to hear your speech.siriously.i love it hahah.and tadi,i almost start making a longkang yg bakal mengalirkan air.but,i remember him.'awak kene kuat'.yes.i have too.
time kaseh awak.and aku jugak sudah berjanji sama batu payong aku yg aku tak nak nanges lg.no more tear.aku kne tough.kite kne tough kan kan kan.pop!my dad write something in my wall on 1.02 am.huh.omg!i badly miss him.he post gmbr die kat sane.arghh!aku pon nk pergi jugak.and last but not least,pic abang pon ade jugak la.haish.ni yg geram ni. saba saba.i'm getting okey with that.
one more,i start crushing on you early this year.but,when i totally get you,i feel none.it's nothing if you just ask about angah when you texting me and ask about myself when you texting him.a little wierd. ya!i know.u such a hiden kitten under a table. hahah.and now,better we just make our own ways because right now, my mood is very the gatal.i'm crushing on every boy i meet.weird right?i still like you.but better in this couple of month,we just let it go!!can you?huh.just a couple of month.and when i get stable back,i will come for you.i promise.but you just have to wait that moment.thengs hunn :P stay chill ukeyh.thengs again because understand me.
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