perlu ke aku mencanang satu dunie yg ayah aku USTAZ,huh?perlu eyh.wajeb kasik tau eyh.suke hati aku lah nk bg tau ke tak.ade pekdah ke kalau aku bg tau.ade baek dan buruknye kalau aku tak bg tau.and the reasons is,just me know that.i know the exactly answer because it was myself.please don't interupt me with something that you never know about me.yes.i am freakin girl sometime. but i like to hear your speech.siriously.i love it hahah.and tadi,i almost start making a longkang yg bakal mengalirkan air.but,i remember him.'awak kene kuat'.yes.i have too.
time kaseh awak.and aku jugak sudah berjanji sama batu payong aku yg aku tak nak nanges more tear.aku kne tough.kite kne tough kan kan kan.pop!my dad write something in my wall on 1.02 am.huh.omg!i badly miss him.he post gmbr die kat sane.arghh!aku pon nk pergi jugak.and last but not least,pic abang pon ade jugak yg geram ni. saba saba.i'm getting okey with that.
one more,i start crushing on you early this year.but,when i totally get you,i feel's nothing if you just ask about angah when you texting me and ask about myself when you texting him.a little wierd. ya!i know.u such a hiden kitten under a table. hahah.and now,better we just make our own ways because right now, my mood is very the gatal.i'm crushing on every boy i meet.weird right?i still like you.but better in this couple of month,we just let it go!!can you?huh.just a couple of month.and when i get stable back,i will come for you.i promise.but you just have to wait that moment.thengs hunn :P stay chill ukeyh.thengs again because understand me.